This kit heavily relies on Actor Tags to figure out what that Actor is and show UI for it correctly. Also if you don't put any Tags into a actor it is impossible to interact with it (picking it up and the rest in this list)

item- makes it possible to pick up a actor

putback- will generate a putback location for the object you are currently holding. It changes to the location where you pick it up

custom- it gets the putback location directly from the actor blueprint

item- can be picked up

interact- Checks if it is a Object that should receive a signal when clicking on it for UI and interacting reasons

door- Checks if it is a door for UI and interacting reasons

key- Checks if it is a key for UI and interacting reasons

audio- Checks if it is something that plays audio when clicking on it for UI and interacting reasons

read- Checks if it is something to read for UI and interacting reasons

lookat- there is no verb in the UI best used for things you simply lookat and want a comment from the player on


Y- Objects can only be rotated vertical when inspecting

Z- Objects can only be rotated horizontal when inspecting