You want to pick up a object and inspect it then you need to create a pickup actor. Because the code for picking up such a object is written in the Player "FirstPersonCharacter" Blueprint it works if you just put the Tag item in it called "item". This Tag says it is possible to pick the actor attached up, nothing more.

No Put back Location

Sometimes you should only be allowed to pick objects up and throw them away. For that only use one Actor Tag "item".

Generate Put back location each time

This method does only need a 3D Model that has collision and then two tags in it. "item" and a "putback" tag. Then the Player Blueprint knows that they have to get the postion it gets picked up and set it for the put back location. Warning if you put it down and pick it up again the new put back location is again on the spot picked up not the one before that. Tags required:

Put back location on one spot

If you want to have the put back location for one object always on the location you put it in the editor then you want to use this method. You will need a Actor Blueprint with the following content in it:

The Actor Transform is local variable set at the start of the level so it does not change each time. Then when the Player blueprints calls to the Actor Blueprint with Interface communication then it set the part in the FirstPersonInstance (where most of the variables are stored that more than one unchanging blueprint needs) the Actor Back Location (also a variable I set myself). The Player Blueprint will get the variable when he holds something with the right tags. And check if it near.

Tags required:

TIP: Create one (or copy one with the code in it) and then just copy the one blueprint with changing only the art asset and the name. It reduces simply setting it up or slower copy & past.

possible points of failure: Interface communication is not set up and therefore events do not trigger

Put back location on a different location

This mechanic is needed if you want to transport something. The put back location is here set to a different location as the actor is spawning on.