by Journal the pages you can see with the Reading UI. In the demo its the Paperblueprint laying under the word Reading.

This type of intractable is mainly made to have a method to read letters and such. So you can actually read and not only zoom to a paper. The Textures that you set as pages are not connected to the appearance of the actor that stores the textures.

If you click on it (interact) then you set the two Pages separately with the size you want to have. These are the big nodes here called Make SlateBrush then you set these as the images in the FirstPersonInstance. At last you call the Reading UI so it opens.

How to set your own Pages

  1. Open the Paper Actor Blueprint
  2. change the image section of the Make SlateBrush to the image you want
  3. done!

One Page only

Little side note the kit currently has a example of two pages. If you only need one page use the exact same blueprint as here. You need to set both pages then to "Page1" because the UI does not care if it only received one page