What it is here a text

How to make a material have a highlight color

  1. have or make a material set up however you want (with or without normal maps, roughness maps or anything else)
  2. Create a Blend_PinLight node
  3. Create a constant3vector or constant4vector
  4. set the color to grey (0,5.0,5.0,5.1) (grey works here as a color that does nothing)
  5. Transform it to a Parameter
  6. Call Parameter "Color"
  7. put the material on the objects that you want to interact with

How to change the default highlight color

  1. Go to the Player Blueprint (FirstPersonCharacter)
  2. Change Tab from Event Graph to Highlight Color or search the function on the left side in the My Blueprints Pannel
  3. There should be two green comment boxes and one red on
  4. zoom in on the red one
  5. Set the Value to a color you think fits

TIP: stay around the grey area otherwise you will only see the new color you put on. Remember grey is in this blend node "not visible" if you make a striking color then you only see this color not the original texture anymore.